So I have to ask a question? When you get "that news"....you know what I am talking about. That news that makes your heart stop and your face gets numb...your stomach drops into the bottom of your pelvis and you all of a sudden become hard of hearing....when tears are having a riot right behind your eyeballs and all logic, reason, knowledge, understanding, wisdom and education falls out of your nostrils onto the floor. And, for a brief moment.....your life stops. The world goes in slow motion, peoples mouths are moving but their voices are not being heard. You look up to the sky and whisper to God, "what's happening?"
This morning, my family had that moment...my father drew a few blanks as the information he heard was being rejected by his logic - I know what they are saying but I will reject it until the moment I have to place him in the ground. My mother, automatically became sick to her stomach. She said her heart stopped and all of a sudden, her office became a small steel box, that she was trapped in and had to get out. Me...well I thought for a moment. With every bit of information I received, fear started to assault and batter my faith. I thought, "I just got him back, I am not loosing him again."
I prayed - they prayed - other's prayed and one even reminded me of a prophetic word that said, "your whole family will come into the Kingdom of God."
Then I called the 1-800 number for the family disaster line,
"Hello, I am me, have you seen or heard from him?" I waited....1 minute suddenly felt a lot like 1 hour. I waited....she came back to the phone, "he was not on that rig." Relieved! yay! Hallelujah - yes, life is great all over again, life is perfect, God is good woooooooweeeeeeee.......but.....wait; it wasn't good. Not for everyone...a lot of people were going to receive some devastating phone calls today. Some people's faith was going to be tried more than ever before today. Someone was going to hear that their son, husband, father, friend didn't make it off the rig. Today for some, life was going to change forever. This first 48 hours were going to be the weirdest moments of their lives. For some, this was going to be the longest Wednesday of their lives.
Lord, I thank you very much that you are a God who sees everything. I am so glad that you have never stopped doing miracles and that you are still in control, even over life and death. I lift of the families of the "Deepwater Horizon" today and I pray that you will give them supernatural peace, help them to grieve and find rest in your arms. Be with them in this time and for those in the hospitals I pray for swift recovery and healing. I pray for the emotional well-being and spiritual strength of those who lost friends and co-workers and loved ones.
Thank you Lord for the preserving of my brother.