Thursday, April 15, 2010

In the beginning

I guess in this age people have a whole lot to say. Not because they have anything specific to talk about but because they just like having the proverbial "cyber" soap box. So I figured, I'd join the ranks. Sometimes, Ill talk about meaningful things like Jesus (the ONLY one), the meaning of life, why good things happen to bad people, destroying the memes we all love to live by and of course things that make you go the NUCLEAR SUMMIT.
Other times I may just talk about things that are on my mind, like why is skittles coming out with redundant candy? Why are all men jumping on the gay train? Why people mix up the definitions between homosexual and gender identity disorder? Why the powers that be hate God - even though we already know the answer to that and finally why in the world do GOOD counselors do what they do for a living.
Your welcome to read it if you like...and if you wouldn't like - DON'T.

B/C I can guarantee you, a war of words will not be easily won....except for Shay. I will concede on a war of words for her because she speaks fluent genius and I don't really know the whole lingo yet and I left my thesaurus back in undergrad with the rest of my brains....

With that being said, stay tuned...this is gonna be hilarious.

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